What Is 42

or is the question what is
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Fuzzy Kaos?

or even who is


maybe this is a better question!

Why even a website these days?

This is the Home of So each page may be related to one or more of each of these.


The answer to the ultamate question the meaning of life from the Hitchikers guide to the galaxy. In hommage to that It is where the main contents are, Just over to the left there is round button with 42 on it, This will take you to most of the content here. Some pages are just thoughts others are songs and there videos which we have done.
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Fuzzy Kaos

Fuzzy Kaos to me is a way of life. Or a way of making scene of the world. When I came up with the name and the idea, it was not to make money or to do with anything at all.

The running consensus is this is where do a little design work, make guitar related plans, make electronic effects and some times put the efforts up on these pages.

The idea started when a Joke about a Business Owner I knew who was inept, it came from a conversation with some coworkers. The conversation was about the way the business was being run. It went something like this. This business does not make sense it is kind of fuzzy, not like fuzzy logic kind of like Fuzzy Kaos.

Saying that running a business is easy, fun or will make scene to it's workers when more like it's hard work and lots of unseen planing. But at the time it just seemed like we where blowing off steam. I never intended to use the term as a web site Idea. After many water cooler conversations it became a catch phrase. Then the object of my art and creative efforts. Now it is hear and your are reading it! Thats what I am saying.
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Slow Men Thinking

What do you get when one man can not find a band? Well it's Slow Men Thinking It is all three parts of what I do you see to make a video of a song you just did well first off you need to write the song. Then Record the song. If you want it out in the wild to bee seen you need to make a video for it. Those three things take time planning and creaitivity even in boring parts of post processing the video.
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Why even a website these days?

The answer is simple and complex at the same time. As I tought myself html way back in 1997 and to this day I like to keep my self buzzy so I hand code this site. The truth is to make shure I keep the copyright to all of my work simply posting up to face book or other social media is a garrenteed way to loose my content. If I put the content up here first and then post to face book a link from here I still keep the copyright!

So what elce do we do? Scheme plan, Work out ways to conquer the World, Some Times Nothing other times lots. We will chose if and what are of value to our business. It makes scene to chose your customer and projects as if it is going to be a life time decision.

Copyright © FUZZY KAOS
Copyright © Retro Photography

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because a poor musician needs to buy strings