In the morning found some briwax products that meet the general idea for colouring the body after sanding :) went to bunnings only to find there was only the spirit based colour. At the time was disappoint as I knew there was no way to order in the water based product of my choice.
Later on finalised the electrics, The set up is a volume and a common tone pot and one last pot that is supposed to taper down the humbuckers will be interesting to see how it sounds when plugged in.
The neck fit was the one thing that freaked me I was the one thing that if I got it wrong then there was no going on to the next stage well I suppose that is a bit of an over dramatisation of the facts.
The next jobs is the sanding, sanding and more Sanding then colour. Sanding will be the biggest problem, I tend to rush jobs I should take the time to do properly, maybe Ill see it through and make my self spend the time to sand and colour and then finish the poor thing. I suppose the guitar will need a name.
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